Sunday, July 15, 2018

How to Date in the Entertainment Industry

Disclaimer: These tips are most effective for young hot women between the ages
of 18-35 years of age. If you do not fit this criteria exactly, then your success rate
decreases significantly. If you have any questions about the various tips,
please refer to my instagram account: @CoCo_nuttts

My expertise in the entertainment industry is limited to my experience in the
Radio/Television Production major in college and experience as working
for a non-named themed park,so naturally, I possess the ethos to share my
tips on dating in the entertainment industry. Let’s examine the methods.

Pay better attention to the movies and tv shows that have lines about
relationships that you like: For example, recently I watched the Netflix movie,
“Set it Up”, there was a set of dialogue that really resonated with me that gave
a great commentary on what I believe to be my true “relationship goals”.

Guy friend 1: What do you do when you want to have an intimate,
meaningful conversation with somebody?
Guy friend 2: I talk to you!
Guy friend 1: That’s not what I’m for. That’s what your girlfriend is for.
She’s supposed to be your best friend!

When I hear something that I agree with do deeply, naturally you must
find the source of such wisdom. First, I stalk imdb closely and botta bing,
botta boom, you should find the writer with ease, in this case with “Set it Up”,
Katie Silberman. I’m pretty sure she’s available. Nobody who is dating someone
has the time or energy to write a hollywood script, let’s be real.

You want to date an actor or musician?: When these people are first starting
out in the scene, they may not be noticed as a gem until they are raking in just
short of $200k a year. The trick is to ride their coattails from the beginning of their
career. Follow all of the social media that they care about. SOCIAL MEDIA IS MAGIC;
PEOPLE CONNECTING WITCHCRAFT, if you will. Never underestimate the power
of social media and paying attention to people. Think of dating public figures as a Public
Relations venture, don’t give them a reason to dislike you and keep a consistent profile.

But my crush is famous: There are a few ways to achieve this. But, first, always
remember to watch all their interviews and do your homework, you don’t get to know
an actor through their works alone.

Bonus Tip: Be wary of method actors, they can method act their way into your heart,
and then they can method act there way out of it just as easily. They can be swift
masters of manipulation.

Now for a  specific strategy:
- Find a way to become famous yourself:
Score a big role, be part of a scandal, there are many avenues.

- Get invited to the same party and meet them:
 this is an advanced method and requires a lot of socialization.

- Stalk them on social media:
Know where they hang out, what their favorite spots are and go to them.

- Become best friends with their best friend and find yourself in
“the right place at the right time.” This is probably the most effective method.

You want to date a comedian?: this is the easiest person to get to.
All you have to do it get a job at a comedy venue, preferably as the green room manager.
Talent usually trusts green room managers, which is just the position that you
want to be in when you make your move.

1. The most effective move is to find out what they want to drink and find a way to
put your number and cute message to get noticed, either on a napkin or a piece of
tape that you write on and stick to a water bottle.

2. There is also the traditional way of making friends with the comic and flirting
the natural way. Being outgoing and quirky is just as impressive to a comic
as being incredibly attractive.

There are all my tips for dating in the entertainment community without the use of dating apps.
Now have fun and don’t get arrested :)